Sam heard a presentation in his peer advisory group meeting. The presentation made him realize he needed help in selling his business. He was an expert in building his business, but he didn’t know how to transition it to a business-as-a-mission. He needed another set of eyes to look at his business, a voice from the outside.
Sam filled out the inquiry form at Cultivating Impact and set up a time to talk. His goal was to sell his business at enough profit to move his family to Central Asia and start a business as a mission. He was searching for the significance that only flows from successfully navigating the Crossroads of Making Money & Significance.
Selling the business to find significance elsewhere was the only option Sam had considered. A voice from the outside helped Sam realize possibilities for his business that left him in awe.
Sam had never considered sourcing his patented textile products through impact manufacturers in SE Asia. These business-as-a-mission impact manufacturers are rescuing their workers from the sex-trafficking trade.
Cultivating Impact could connect Sam to three prospective business-as-a-mission suppliers. Thanks to Cultivating Impact’s network of strategic resources, Sam and his family didn’t have to relocate to achieve significance and legacy. He didn’t have to start a new business. He already had one that he could transition to a business-as-a-mission. Making an immediate impact at his present business was a genuine possibility.
The existing business had business-as-a-mission potential Sam had never considered.
Sam merely needed a fresh viewpoint from someone not directly involved in his business. With a new perspective from his coach, he gained new insights, problem-solving, and made a better-informed decision.
A business coach can bring a new and novel perspective on your business. An outsider helps you consider factors that may have been overlooked previously. This fresh viewpoint can bring innovation, creativity, and alternative solutions to problems. It is valuable in decision-making processes, problem-solving, and generating new ideas.
What would it be worth to you if we connect you and your team over the next year to help you with your succession planning?
Shortly, we will be publishing my new book. Until then, I am considering a “beta” test group at a greatly reduced cost, to coach a group of entrepreneurs through the succession planning process. This will be a six-month group built on the concepts of a peer advisory board or mastermind.
Imagine establishing your legacy over the next twelve months with a trusted coach who has walked where you are now. In return, I will learn a lot from you!
You are welcome to email and we will set a time to talk.
To your legacy business!
Harry T. Jones